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Video Classes







Video Classes featuring the finest tutors.

Experience the best in online education with our video classes led by expert tutors. Dive deep into concepts, get your doubts cleared, and learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

Master Every Concept with Curated Questions.

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Our Success Stories

Priya Sharma
Joining JeeNeetPulse was the best decision I made for my NEET preparation. Their detailed video lectures and regular practice tests boosted my confidence and helped me achieve a top rank in my state!

Priya Sharma

Topper, NEET 2023

Rahul Mehta
I struggled with Physics until I joined JeeNeetPulse. Their conceptual clarity and problem-solving techniques made a huge difference. I'm now pursuing my dream engineering course at IIT Bombay!

Rahul Mehta

JEE Advanced Rank 67, 2023

Sneha Kapoor
JeeNeetPulse's personalized mentorship program kept me on track during my JEE preparation. Their detailed performance analysis helped me identify and improve my weak areas.

Sneha Kapoor

JEE Main Percentile 99.8, 2023

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